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Home>News>China Business interviews SMC3 Partner Kevin Ren – China’s hospital reform brings opportunities to hospital IT start-ups
China Business interviews SMC3 Partner Kevin Ren – China’s hospital reform brings opportunities to hospital IT start-ups

From online booking registration to the popular medical app, from improving the hospital management level in technical means to enhance doctor's diagnosis level in technical depths, the healthcare sector has been a promising venture area. Transforming the Internet industry with information technology has always been hot ​​investment area.

China Business interviewed SMC3 Partner Kevin Ren on venture capital in the field of medical information.  He commented that the third and four-tier cities will produce a wave of medical information investment which is part of healthcare reform and consumer upgrading, and described many opportunities this would bring to hospital IT companies.

SOURCE. China Business
UPDATE. 2013-05-27
VIEWS. 4273