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Interview with VNET CEO Meng Pu - Riding the Wave of Mobile Internet

On August 14, 2013, VNET CEO Meng Pu spoke at the 2013 China Internet Conference.  He pointed out that the mobile Internet was showing a spurt of growth.

In the past 20 years, the Internet has changed many aspects of society, and the mobile Internet has penetrated deeply into people's work and social lives.  Data shows there will be an estimated 10 billion mobile terminals in 2016, this means more than 10 times of terminals and more than 1,000 timesof data traffic, which is both a challenge and opportunity for industry players.

The company intends to create an open 4G network in Hong Kong to allow all internet companies to connect, to deliver a better mobile internet experience for end-users. 

SOURCE. Tencent News
UPDATE. 2013-08-14
VIEWS. 3897