SMC Capital China

Home>News>SMC Capital China backs Series A for medical IT company Dalian Senyint
SMC Capital China backs Series A for medical IT company Dalian Senyint


China growth capital private equity firm SMC Capital China has made a RMB30m ($5m) Series A investment in medical IT company Dalian Senyint International Digital Medical System, AVCJ has reported.


SMC Capital China is part of Hong Kong-based private equity and alternative asset investment firm Simon Murray Group (SMG).

#Established in 1997 by Murray, the former CEO of Hutchison Whampoa and executive chairman of Deutsche Bank Asia, SMG is one of the longest running and most prominent private equity and alternative asset investment firms in China and Asia.

SMC Capital China leads SMG’s China growth capital private equity investments from its Shanghai headquarters with both USD and RMB-denominated funds.

It currently has joint venture funds and local teams established in Wuxi and Dalian and said it aims to grow to with more cities in the coming years.

The firm targets investments in environmental protection and energy saving, consumer & healthcare, and IT and advanced manufacturing with focus on expansion stage firms.

SOURCE. AltAssets
UPDATE. 2013-04-25
VIEWS. 4445